Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
Droid? Or Android?
Droid is a specific phone that's made by Motorola, and it runs the Android operating system.
Droid. I also looked at the HTC Droid lite (or whatever VZW actually calls it, I think it's the Hero for another carrier) and it didn't seem as nice/sturdy/useful/etc.
I really think I would like a Palm Pre. But being a Verizon user... VZW gets the Palm phones 6-9 months behind Sprint, and initially charges too much for them, so in no-time, Palm has quit making them for the next big thing they're making for Sprint and I'm left without a Palm OS smart phone. Has happened three times.
A while back I won a Palm Centro in a contest. But it turned out to be Sprint branded and Verizon wouldn't touch it, even when they started offering Centros. I ended up selling it on eBay.