Mon Jan 04, 2010, 04:04pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 38
Originally Posted by DaveASA/FED
When I have someone that is close to leaving early, or when fans of a coach are really bit...nagg...complaining (good PC word) about it I will do the following. Give up looking for an IP, and watch the runner first, concentrate on their last foot that is on the bag (if they are rocking and getting a running start the lead foot will be off the bag WAY early but that back foot hangs in there for a while. So watch that back foot, as soon as you see seperation switch your eyes to the pitcher, where is the ball??? Has she released it, then it's legal! Does F1 still have it, then they are leaving early, call the dead ball and the out.
Again I don't reccommend this as a common practice for an umpire as you are not able to watch for IP's, and you are a little slower in getting your eyes to the plate for a check swing appeal (not usually as big of a loss as not seeing IP's since you can usually follow the ball and see most of a check swing situation). But this is good to reassure yourself about someone that everyone in the park but you thinks is leaving early!! Also it's a good way for fans to see what is really going on if someone would train them to look at it correctly.
Real problem with single umpire trying to watch this is that 99% of kids leave late, some really late, you might still be looking at her back foot on the bag about the time you hear the ball hit the catcher's mitt.