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Old Mon Jan 04, 2010, 01:30am
Fan10 Fan10 is offline
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Originally Posted by SamG View Post
Sorry guys, I'm confused. TXMike says since it was 2nd down, if Oregon would have recovered in the EZ, it's a TD. But I thought the offense couldn't advance a fumble.

Also, if I'm understanding you correctly, on a fumble on 4th, ONLY the player fumbling the ball could recover it. If anyone else does it goes back to where the ball was fumbled. Is that correct?

Just a fan here, but I learned this rule after seeing it come up in a game a few years back. Officials, please correct me if I mess up the wording:

On fourth down or a try, if the ball is recovered by by an offensive player other than the fumbler BEHIND the spot of the fumble (i.e. the ball is fumbled backwards), it's marked at the spot of the fumble RECOVERY.
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