Sticky Wicket ...
Originally Posted by BktBallRef
Whether the clock is running or not has no effect on whether the ball is live.
The ball is tossed by the referee to start the game. The ball is live, the clock does not start until the ball is legally touched.
A shot is in the air when a foul is whistled. The ball is live, the clock stopped when the whistle was blown.
After a timeout, A1 has the ball for a throw-in. The ball is live, the clock does not start until the ball is legally touched after it's been released by the thrower.
A shot is in the air when the horn sounds. The ball is live, the clock stopped when the horn sounded.
Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Free throws. Live ball, clock not running.
Thanks guys. Someone should "sticky thread" these for a while. Have BktBallRef and Snaqwells missed any?
Originally Posted by Snaqwells
You can also have a dead ball with the clock running.
Few seconds after a successful field goal before the ball is at the disposal of the new throwin team. Do I get a prize?
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