Thread: Counting
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Old Sun Dec 27, 2009, 01:11pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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No More "Picking Up" Counts For Me ...

Not that I ever engaged in such activity, but ...

Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
Has being taped on anyone's cell phone every really caused anybody a problem?
I had a parent show me a cell phone video between periods of a scrimmage that showed me making the correct call on a last second shot that didn't beat the horn. It could have just as easily been an incorrect call, in a real game, and the parent could have just as easily given the video to the coach.

Now I would feel bad, but wouldn't be embarrassed, by such an incorrect call on a "bang bang" play like the one I described, but I would certainly be embarrassed if I made a crucial five second, or ten second call, and was later shown a video where I only made four, or nine, visible counts, where both the rulebook, and the manual, state that we are supposed to make such counts visible.
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