Fri Dec 25, 2009, 10:28am
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 1,847
Originally Posted by chseagle
As I stated beforehand, the parent going out onto the floor is a cause & effect.
True, the game has been stopped, but how often in situations of a student-athlete being injured, is a parent actually summoned to come down for assistance?
How wluld the NCAA or NBA/WNBA handle the situation if a player was injured & the player's parent(s) came rushing to their side in the middle of the court?
Same thing can be asked of NFL, MLB, NASCAR, MLS, NHL, IFL, AF1, WWE, TNA, & other sports officials, no matter what the sport is.
For example: what would happen if David Stockton (son of John Stockton) got injured when Gonzaga was playing against the University of Portland, & John (his father) came rushing down onto the court to be by his son's side although he wasn't summoned/given permission?
You are a control freak. I have no doubt. Your argument is baseless. The difference between any of the leagues you mentioned and high school sports is that THESE ARE CHILDREN!!! As I said there is no way to have a rational argument with the irrational.
There are exactly two people arguing for the case of calling a T because a parent comes onto the court unbeckoned to attend to their injured child. You are both power mongers. A solution looking for a problem. Hammers looking for a nail....