Thread: T Up a Fan?!?
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Old Fri Dec 25, 2009, 03:02am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Sterility? That's your rationalization? Get real. The clothes that the injured individual was wearing when the brought him in aren't sterile. This isn't a planned surgery either. This is a trauma ward. The doors swing wide open and people come and go. So you are off the mark here.

Got further news for you. In the vast majority of emergency cases the parent wouldn't even be able to watch the surgery through the window. Yep, that's right, you wouldn't be able to observe every little thing that those doctors are doing to your little one like you somehow believe that you are entitled to do on the basketball court.

You need to spend some time trying to figure out why you feel that way and why you think that it is correct. You come off like a fanboy who has never read a rules book talking about basketball plays. Neither you nor BktBallRef seem to be familiar with the inner workings of a hospital trauma ward in the slightest.
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