Thread: T Up a Fan?!?
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Old Thu Dec 24, 2009, 04:06am
chseagle chseagle is offline
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Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
So you consider when a mom steps out to hold her daughter's hand while she is assisted from the court after tearing her ACL to be unsporting conduct?

Doesn't sound very discreet to me.
What if a member of Game Management escorted the parent out onto the court to maintain some order?

Basically this is a catch-22 as that if the parent is only going out to comfort their child isn't viewed as unsporting behavior. However if that parent is going out to complain to the floor officials that their child was fouled & arguing the call it is considered unsporting behavior.

I can see if game management announced overhead that no one go onto the court except for the coach &/or medical personnel, but how often do announcements like that happen?

Again, this comes down to how game management should handle things as well as the floor officials.
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