Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
. . . He said he hated being that close to the benches . . .
Some might feel uncomfortable being "that close to the benches", but it might not be the fault of the mechanic, but of the implimentation of it.
Actually, if the trail on a free throw was in a position to observe both the free thrower's feet and the two upper lane spaces opposite the lane, he wouldn't necessarily be "that close to the benches" after all.
Most of the guys I've heard complaining about this are way out by the sideline, far to far away from being able to view what they need to observe as trail during a free throw.
Maybe we could call on Billy Mac would put a dot on the rocketship diagram to illustrate this proper position. Unless the diagram is inaccurate in its proportions, the trail wouldn't be "that close to the benches" afterall.
Anybody else sense this?