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Old Wed Dec 23, 2009, 11:45am
Chess Ref Chess Ref is offline
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Originally Posted by fiasco View Post
Yes, this was just one game, and it's not going to keep me from working on my communication, but I'm honestly convinced at this point it is less me and more the coaches. They don't want to be reasoned with.
I don't reason with my dogs and I don't reason with coaches. I don't plead, I don't cajole, I don't care if they "get it". It is them.When my dogs pee in the house its not me being a bad owner, its them being coaches.. I'm glad I'm learned this part of my game. The communication skills I have with my dogs, I mean the coaches, make my games go nicely.

I'm polite,professional, and have a good attitude.

They ask a legimate question, I started out giving them stock replys. Billy Mac has several cut and pastes in regards to these stock replys.

Here's an Example.

Coach: Thats a foul. There was contact, or pushing or whatever.
Me: Coach all contact is not a foul.

I had about 3 or 4 of these stock answers. I could memorize all of them and one of the four would usually apply to the given situation. That worked till I was ready to freelance.

Coach chirping/reffing. Stock answer " I'll ref. You coach"

I lived and breathe the 3 P's.

If it's personal, profane, or persistent = one big FAT T..

Though I usually don't let the persistent go. I address it and it ends voluntarily or I end it. LAst night Asst Coach barking loud in the first MINUTE, first chance I got I had a quick little chat with Head Coach. Problem solved.

Keep it simple. And remember it is them ,but we still need to work with them,

even if we have to rub their noses in their pee sometimes. Just kidding but it sounded funny to me.
"I'll take you home" says Geoff Tate
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