Boys MS. Coach of Team A is also a registered ref.
Team A up by 23 at half. Teams go to half. Horn sounds with 1:00 remaining of halftime break. Horn sounds a second time with 30 secs of half remaining. Team B out and warming up. AD has been looking for team B since the 3:30 mark. She is also doing the clock. Can't find them anywhere. Coach team B has players on court ready to go at 0;00 mark.
I whistle and give team B ball. (their possession) They score the easy lay-up. Ball bounces on court. Partner puts ball on floor outside endline and does the visual 5 count. Whistle violation and award ball to team B. B scores again as team A runs onto court. They pass ball on to court legally and we get TO request from coach team A. I am T and get earful.... "why would you start without us? You can't do that. Why didn't you send someone to get us? .... etc. Turns out they were actually in a girl's restroom, downstairs from the gym. Why? I've got no clue.
He is pi$$ed the rest of the night. Later - his stat guy tells us that as they were walking back to the gym he told his guys to take it easy and take their time - they can't start without us. What a putz!