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Old Tue Dec 22, 2009, 10:33pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by MelbRef View Post
OK, had my first 3-man game. Here is my take on it...

For someone that has only done 2-man, there were two challenges with 3-man officiating:

1) you must always be aware of the location of your partners. In 2-man I am very focused on my primary, but in 3-man you have to regularly spot check your partners location, thereby breaking your PCA focus.
You can use your peripheral vision to know where they are. Plus, if you trust them, you'll know when they move without seeing them.

2) I found it tricky to remember my PCA as you shift from C to T. For example, you can be the C, watching your PCA, then the L will rotate and your PCA automatically shifts to L. I became uncertain about the boundaries of my coverage area when these sudden shifts happened.
You still stay on the play / ball even when the leafd rotates -- don't give up on the play. Only after the play moves do you assume the T's responsibilities.
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