Thread: Dribble/Fumble
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Old Fri Dec 20, 2002, 05:15am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by firedoc
Correct! Fumble, Dribble, Fumble is OK. Dribble, Fumble, Drbble is a violation.
More technically: "Dribble, Fumble, Dribble" should not be confused with dribble, interuppted dribble, dribble which is legal. It is only a violation if they player obtains control again in a way that ends the first dribble.
Since a fumble 4-21 is defined as losing player control when the ball slips from the player's grasp, this is not possible if the player was dribbling.

So if we can have: dribble, interrupted dribble (see 4-15-5), dribble continues. In this case, the player must obtain control again by continuing the original dribble in order not to violate. If he picks up the ball after the interrupted dribble, then he must pass, shoot, hold it, call time-out, etc.

A player may not: dribble, lose control, obtain control again in a way which ends the dribble (ie grabbing the ball with two hands), then dribble again. This is a double dribble violation unless the ball touched another player while it was loose or a bat by the opponent caused the loss of control.

firedoc, do you see what I mean? Your terminology really implies that the player first dribbles, then ends this dribble (since he must be grasping the ball to fumble), now fumbles, controls the ball again, and unless the fumble touches another player or was caused by a bat by an opponent, it is always a double dribble violation if he dribbles again. I am merely pointing out that if the player never grasps the ball, dribble, loss of control, dribble is a good play.

[Edited by Nevadaref on Dec 20th, 2002 at 04:53 AM]
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