Thread: for Derock
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Old Thu Dec 19, 2002, 03:53pm
James Neil James Neil is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 465
Originally posted by ABoselli
Covered ground, immaterial to young derock.

I worked a state championship youth game as a second year official. I'd like to say it was because I was good, but every second year guy has limitations that are trumped by availability and willingness to work.

Of course, that game lasted about as long as 2.5 derock games.
You are so right AB; we’re wasting our time with young Derock. His unwillingness to answer any pertinent question we’ve asked is very telling indeed. This whole thread started with an offer of help to Derock. I was serious in my offer and it still stands. But did you guys see that it wasn’t until two days after my posting that Derock told us about his invite? And despite the fact that he says he has a rule book he couldn’t answer the simple basic questions I asked of him? Then he has the gall to lecture me about shunning the rules and officiate according to his game sense, (which makes no sense to me). Obtaining game sense comes with seeing snaps and experience. But knowing the rules as they’re written is a must if you want to know when and how to apply them. Derock is right and I take it as a complement when he says I’m a text book official. I’m certainly no rules expert but I want to be. I know this is an ongoing process and I’ll be learning as long as I can keep doing this.
As I stated in a previous post I too have worked local and regional youth championship games as a second year official. As much as I’d like to think it was because of my skill as an official. I know this is just not the case, especially after reviewing game films. As you say AB, availability and willingness to work plus preparation were the reasons I was assigned. Now as far as using these on-line forums for learning game sence, I don’t think is possible. This only comes on the field. But for help in learning the rules these boards have been indispensable. That’s why I try to just stick to the “Book” as written when posting my answers. This could be the reason Derock has irritated me to the point of being somewhat less professional then I’ll like to be in some of my posts
His personal stile of officiating (I still don’t believe he does) and his insistence on modifying the rules to suit his fancy is contrary to every thing I’ve learned the three years.
So I’ll leave Derock to his fantasies and ignore his posts (unless I’m in the mood for a good laugh). Now it’s back to keeping the proper decorum and reading the “Book in my pursuit to being an “expert of the rules”! 8^).