Originally Posted by RichMSN
Adams can pontificate all he wants, but reality is something entirely other.
I'm being squeezed out of a conference (it seems) because I took care of some egregious behavior. I called a late game technical last season when a coach refused to give me a substitute after a disqualifying foul, even after we had a second horn. While I can't be certain this is why I'm getting the squeeze, it's the only possible thing I can point to from last season.
So people have a choice to make. They can work their 120 game regular season schedules (like Steve Welmer) or they can sit home during non-conference stuff and potentially even conference stuff (since the commissioners may not use you anymore if you TCB and the coach whines enough).
If the NCAA took over the assigning, then Adams could talk as though he has some actual authority or control over the regular season. Till then, he can only withhold tournament assignments.
You can believe me when I tell you that you are preaching to the choir. I am no longer working any NCAA ball due to the fact that I did TCB in a game last year. (Team did not have roster/starters turned in to the scorer by 10 min. At 12 min, I personally went and pounded on their locker room door and told the coach it needed to be turned in. Coach said it would be turned in when it was turned in, which ended up being with less than 1 min. on the clock. So we started the game with the T) The supervisor then called me and reamed me for it, and demanded that I call my partners and tell them that "I f@cked up". I refused to do that, and so I am no longer on that supervisor's roster.