Thread: Elbow Pad
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Old Wed Dec 16, 2009, 08:06pm
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Originally Posted by jdmara View Post
{Don't have my books with me} Are elbow pads illegal equipment? I always thought they were but in the (college) game I'm watching, one of the players is wearing a sleeve with an apparent hex pad integrated. Just curious

I'm concerned with FED


I don't know what it is in college ball, but in high school under the NFHS 3-5-2:

a. A Guard, cast or brace made of hard and unyielding leather, plaster, pliable (soft) plastic, metal or any other hard substance may not be worn on the elbow, hand, finger/thumb, wrist or forearm; even though covered with soft padding.

b and c omitted

d. must be worn for medical reasons.

A sleeve is not an illegal material, but it must be worn for medical reasons, accompanied by a doctor's note saying it was prescribed to wear this during sporting events.

Not sure what the hex pattern would be for, could be just a cushion inside because she probably injured her elbow and wants to protect it from excessive contact to avoid further, serious injuries.
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