Tue Dec 15, 2009, 01:58pm
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 5,030
Originally Posted by IchiRef
Would it be a violation If his foot was not only on the line, but over the line (half in FC, half in BC), then subsequently dribbled into the BC?
Nope. Still has BC status. Remember the division line is in the BC. If the player is straddling the division line they still have BC status.
Originally Posted by SamIAm
After A1 lands with possession, the throw-in exemption is over (I think). Yes, sort of. The throw-in ends when the ball was legally touched (i.e. when he caught the ball). However, there's an exception since it was a throw-in that allows the player to land without penalty.
I see A1 with one foot in BC with other foot on the line and touching FC.
Wouldn't that give A1 FC status? Therefore, the movement to both feet in the BC results in a BC violation? Nope, still has BC status since the player has one foot in the BC.
(Note the ?'s. Help me if necessary).
My answers in red.
Last edited by tjones1; Tue Dec 15, 2009 at 02:02pm.