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Old Sat Dec 12, 2009, 02:26pm
mutantducky mutantducky is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 794
Quick advice to newbies(and good game)

had a close, competitive game last night with little chirping from the coaches and a good number of fans. I got a blocking call right with only a minute left with an and-1 and a charging call with a big collision that knocked a player out of the game briefly. We called the game the same the whole way as well.
Advice to the newbies which I am still sort of one--
Watch the AP arrow. Maybe use a rubber band or something in the pocket to switch because I corrected twice in the game.
The clock, didn't start and I had to adjust it. Hard to watch that and the game but a quick glance is fine.
Bonus- Watch the fouls and when a team goes to bonus. My partner and I did a good job of this. A lot of times and I've done it, the refs don't know and they have to be reminded.
On blocking and charging calls sell it and also if you are the lead step out so people can see you to make the call. You don't want to do it when people are colliding into each other and everyone misses the call.
Also in a game before I had the last shot but I wasn't ready to call it good or a miss(luckily it was a miss) but this time I was ready. we communicated on time left in the game and I was confident as the game neared the end. Winning shot with a few seconds left. Both coaches said good game to us as we were getting our jackets, I try to get out soon though even when the game goes fine.
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