Gotta relate a couple of things that happened to me on my lastvtwo travel games...
Last week, head out to eastern Utah ref the games and head back towards civilization. Stop in a town for dinner and on the way out of town we start to notice the car losing power. We finally make it to the summit of the road thinking that once we get on the downward side the car will run better. Oh no... We lose power and coast down the hill for nearly 5 miles to the net rest stop. My wife was thrilled when she had to come pick us up... We get home at 1 am.
Last night, the road trip we all love to the western desert of Utah. We were driving along coming back from the game on the infamous dirt roads, (Glad I was not driving) the road looked like it was curving left but actually curved right. My partner slammed on the brakes and we ended up in the soft shoulder. 25 minutes later after digging out of the sandy stuff, we are back on the dirt road again. 25 miles later we heard this goofy sound we stop cant figure out what is making the hitting sound. Go another 200 yards and still making sound. I stop and we are losing air from the right rear tire. We picked up about a 3 inch nail. So here were are 10000 miles from nowhere changing a tire on dirt road in the middle of the Utah Desert. We get home at 12:45 am... We see 450 miles of Utah all the way to the Nevada Border.
(At least we did not hit a cow!)
What we do in the name of Basketball... Cant wait. I have 2 more games this week, but they are both 3 miles from home...