Originally Posted by Clark Kent
Maybe that wasn't the best word to describe what I did. I didn't chase it down, but rather it was at my feet and I gathered it. The reason for my blunder was prolly more for me listening to a player and focusing on them lining up rather than making sure the right shooter got to the line. The good thing was that I recognized it....I just hope I didn't step on my partner's toes being the young guy with two veterans.
In that case, your self-assessment seems more accurate. In a situation that you know is unusual, you have to observe more carefully to prevent a problem. You are correct that you allowed a player to distract you from your primary duty of tracking the proper shooter for your partner as he goes and reports the foul.
I would give you a big attaboy for recognizing the wrong shooter, if I were your veteran partner. Don't worry one bit about stepping on the toes of another official when you are 100% saving someone else's butt.
Now only if you had recognized the wrong shooter prior to administering the ball to him!