Originally Posted by NewNCref
If we can't reconcile the differences, then the home scorebook is the official book, and we will take that score. The other book should be amended to reflect the home book, and the home book's score should be put up on the board.
After both, I would talk to both head coaches and let them know what's going on.
Ironically, blame both scorebooks for the discrepancy, as neither book was doing their job correctly. Considering neither book had reported in it the made free throw. When I was seeing a score occur, I automatically put the points on the board, according to how many points were scored, thinking that the scorebooks were doing the same. I had explained that to the R that when I saw the score, I reported it properly on the scorebaord, with the understanding that the books were doing the same thing.
Originally Posted by BillyMac
Just a little bit more to add:
NFHS 2-11-11: ... notifying thereferee at once of any discrepancy. If the mistake cannot be found, the referee shall accept the record of the official scorebook, unless he/she has knowledge which permits him/her to decide otherwise. If the discrepancy is in the score and the mistake is not resolved, the referee shall accept the progressive team totals of the official scorebook. A bookkeeping mistake may be corrected at any time until the referee approves the final score.
In this situation, I had "definitive knowledge" of what the score should be, & the R confered with the other floor officials about what I said, all 3 came to the conclusion that I had the facts straight as they saw it. Both coaches were kinda fuming that the scorebooks were not doing their jobs properly, after they were notified of what was happening. Unfortunately, at that time there was no one else available to do scorebook to replace those that made the error.