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Old Wed Dec 09, 2009, 07:38pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Roy "Wrong Way" Riegels ...

Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
No problem. I believe there's a case play that spells this out.
5.2.1 SITUATION E: During the pregame practice period, the visiting team
properly uses the east goal and the home team the west goal. The officials, by
mistake, allow the jumpers to face the wrong direction to start the game. A1 controls
the tap by tapping the ball back to A2. A2, realizing that he/she had warmed
up at the basket behind A1, dribbles to that basket and scores an uncontested
basket. RULING: Score the basket for Team A. The officials should stop the game
and emphasize to both teams the proper direction. The mistake is an official's
error by allowing A1 and B1 to face the wrong direction; not a correctable error.

5.2.1 SITUATION F: During the pregame practice period, the visiting team
properly uses the east goal and the home team the west goal. The officials, by
mistake, allow the jumpers to face the wrong direction to start the game. Several
baskets are scored before it is recognized that both teams are throwing the ball
into the opponent’s basket. RULING: All points scored count as if the teams had
gone the right direction and scored in their own basket. Once the mistake is recognized,
play shall continue with each team attempting to score in its own basket.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Wed Dec 09, 2009 at 07:41pm.
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