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Old Wed Dec 09, 2009, 05:32pm
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Adam Adam is offline
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I agree, taking what you're saying at face value, with BITS. Communication through your AD to the assigner would be appropriate, if your area uses a central assigner. If your AD is the assigner, then I would address it with him and see how far he wants to take it.

I'll offer my theory (the most charitable one) for this situation. There is a progression that officials go through, in general.

They start off timid, missing some calls and late on others. Sometimes they're so late they just let it go.

They then start to call anything and everything. Virtually all contact is a foul, without regard to advantage.

Then they learn about advantage/disadvantage as it applies to fouls, and have to call quite a few games and learn how to apply it properly. This normally involves letting too much contact go and learning from it. It seems like this is where your officials were last night; hopefully. I would also hope that they are evaluating themselves rather than pi$$ing and moaning about that whiny coach.

It sounds like you did what you could to talk to them, and it sounds like they were not willing to talk. It happens for various reasons. Most likely, he knew he missed it and reacted poorly to being called out.

One question I always react more positively to, is a quiet (while I'm standing near) "Why wasn't that a foul?" It's a question I can answer, and it's quiet and polite.
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