Originally Posted by NewNCref
I'm a little confused here, are you the other official or are you the scoreboard operator?
Regardless, if the table and the official(s) can come to a conclusion about what happened, and it's just in one (or both) books wrong, then correct the books, get it right on the board, and continue. If we can't reconcile the differences, then the home scorebook is the official book, and we will take that score. The other book should be amended to reflect the home book, and the home book's score should be put up on the board.
After both, I would talk to both head coaches and let them know what's going on.
I was doing Scoreboard, the Floor Officials I had worked with before. The visitors' scorebook was insisting that the score was wrong on the board as they only had home score at 2 (2 2-pt. shot were made & 1 free throw). Somehow the home book never saw the free throw made, so they had 4 in the book. The scoreboard was showing the correct score. The R heard my side of how I saw the scoring compared to the home book (I had definite knowledge of the score, as I was reporting it on the scoreboard as the score happened), confered with the other 2 floor officials & the conclusion was that the score on the board was the correct score. Both the home book & visitor book then had to confer & get on the same page so they matched the scoreboard.
Before the game started both I & the shot clock operator went over what was expected of the home book with it being the official book. Throughout the game, the shot clock operator was continually coaching the home book on what needed to be done throughout the game. Several times, throughout the game, both books were asking who scored the last basket.
Like I mentioned in the original post, both people doing scorebook were students, neither one was really paying attention to the game, the home bookkeeper was texting on her phone. The visiting bookkeeper was talking with her friend throughout the game. Both the shot clock operator & I were communicating information to the books yet they were not reporting it in the books, until after the fact.