Originally Posted by mathuc
NFHS - Rule 5-2-1 & 3 - YES - it would count. There is a provision in 4-5-4 that if they start the second quarter going the wrong way (i.e. the officials make the mistake, not the player) then they just switch ends and play resumes.
I actually had a player (call him A1) get confused once on a full court press started immediately after the half. A1 caught the ball in the back court and made a spin move and drove right down the lane for a lay-up past B1. I stopped play when B1 team attempted to inbound the ball. In this case, my partner had informed both teams which direction they were going prior to the inbounds, so it was not our mistake - nullifying 4-5-4. We had the scorer make a footnote as in Rule 5-2-3 and nobody was credited for the goal. We resumed play with A2 inbounding the ball on the baseline, with all privileges (i.e. running the baseline to inbound the ball)
You discounted the score, or no individual player was credited? I'm not positive how you did this based on your wording here.
Also, the question you answered was, more specifically, "if a player shoots at the wrong basket and time expires while the shot is in flight, does it count?"
The answer to that question is, "No." The ball becomes dead when time expires, and none of the exceptions apply since this is not a legal try.