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Old Sun Dec 15, 2002, 04:41pm
Jay R Jay R is offline
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Actually Chuck, I should have been more specific about the shot clock. When the horn sounds and the ball is in the air, the basket counts if the ball goes in, but it is a shot clock violation if the ball does not go in. On eof my least favorite FIBA rules.

As for the other situation. B1 fouls A1 and while the ref is reporting the foul, A3 curses at B1. In this case, the penalty for the first foul is administered (ex: 2 free throws) and then the technical foul on A3 is administered: 1 free throw and possession to Team B.
PS. If there were no free throws on the first foul, Team A would lose its right to possession of the ball as a result of the technical foul.

Another difference is that in FIBA, personal fouls can be called whether the ball is live or dead. One of my favorite FIBA rules.
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