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Old Mon Nov 09, 2009, 10:15pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by blindzebra68 View Post
Not sure where to start....just looking for a little advice... I guess!!

Then I took his camp this year and nothing!!!never contacted me at all. So I emailed him and he said he thought I only wanted to do Varsity games and he couldnt commit to me in this way! So...I have an 18 team conference in my backyard....and dont have 1 game scheduled from him. I put the conference that I worked previous on the back burner to work this new one. Now, I have some games from him, but not like before, cause he found someone to take my place in rotation.....uuuuggghhh

Sorry if this doesnt make since, I'm just frustrated..I'm worried about upcoming season, usually I have 30 to 35 games lined up to this of today 3...
Sounds like you said something that made him think you weren't interested in working the game he had for you. Maybe it was a misunderstanding. Perhaps it was someone else that told him (perhaps inaccurately) what you wanted. Not much you can do at this point for this season except for telling him that is not the case and you will more than happily take the games he has for you.
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