Originally Posted by bob jenkins
The answer might depend on whether this is NCAAM or NCAAW.
4-11.7: ...continue without a reset when: i. afyter a ... held ball occurs during a throw-in or (women) after an unsuccessful try that does not contact the ring or flange and the AP arrow favors the throw-in team
Thanks for pointing that out, I hadn't realized that was a NCAA-W only rule.
On a related note, am I understanding this correctly? From the same rule...
Stop the timing device and continue time without a reset when play begins under the following circumstances:
j. After the ball goes out of bounds and was last touched simultaneously by two opponents, both of whom are either inbounds or out of bounds or when there is doubt as to who last touched the ball.
So if A has possession with 10 seconds left on the SC and A1 fumbles the ball after which A2 and B2 touch it simultaneously before it goes OOB, whichever team is awarded the ball using the AP, that team has only the remaining 10 seconds? Even if it is B?