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Old Mon Oct 19, 2009, 12:03pm
Back In The Saddle Back In The Saddle is offline
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Originally Posted by ncaambbref View Post
I will apologize for some of my comments. I let some of the people on here get to me...then I realized, why should I care about personal attacks when they really aren't personal because NONE of you on here know who I am, just as I do not know who any of you are or what leagues you officiate. Some have criticized my officiating ability when you have NO idea what leagues I work at all. That in itself is funny. I could be in the Big East or just a JuCo NEVER know. ANd yes, I could be working the lockout too! Speculate all you want...

Again, I pointed out what I felt was unfair treatment, regardless if people agree with me or not. Obviously, some do. Obviously, those who are in the Big South know what I have alleged is true. Why else would the NBA and the Big South contact those who were affected to investigate the situation?

It is clear that some have a loyalty connection with Forte and that is fine. But loyalty is a ONE way street. As soon as some of those who are LOYAL to Forte misapply a rule or are late to a game or do something eles, let's see how far that loyalty card takes them. They would more than likely be punished for their actions just as Forte should be punished for his!

Reagrdless of one's personal feelings toward the replacement refs, the game of basketball is bigger than anyone of us. And there will ALWAYS be referees who will gladly step in our shoes, even if YOU may not be one of them.

Forte abused his power as the coordinator of the Big South and this my fellow officials, MUST be addressed!!!
My father used to say, "Working here is like peeing your pants while wearing a dark suit. You get a nice warm feeling, but nobody notices". Much the same could be said about hanging out here.

I'm curious what your goal was in bringing this here. AFAIK Joe Forte doesn't hang out here. And it's a solid bet the commissioner he works for doesn't hang out here. Perhaps a few of his staff, or former staff do. But, as you have told us, they are already well aware of the situation.

That leaves you with a relatively small audience, none of whom can do anything about this issue. Even if we were all stirred to action and took to the streets...then what?

If you're just looking for solidarity for your position on this, the result has been disappointing. But it should not surprise you. We have no dog in this fight. This is not an activist community. We're just here to talk some bball, improve our knowledge, sometimes vent a little, tell a few lies about what levels we're working, and forget that we have no actual social lives.

Nevertheless, though I don't share your outrage at what is happening, I wish you well in your efforts to get some justice for those you feel have been wronged.
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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