Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Well, you sell it to the coach. If all the information is correct, s/he doesn't need to come out and explain Billy Bob is in for JoeWilly at 1b and JoeWilly is....yada, yada, yada. IOW, it makes their life and maintaining a correct line-up easier for THEM.
Most JO coaches understand it makes their life easier.
Coach A: "Blue, 24 for 10"
Blue: "That was 24 for 10, right Coach?"
Blue: "Coach B, 24 for 10".
Coach B: "Thanks, Blue"
While I agree with this, when the coach gives me the subs by number I like to read it back to them with names as I put it on my lineup card.
Coach A: "Blue I have 24 for 10"
Blue. : "OK that was 24 Jones for 10 Smith"
Coach A: "No No I am putting Johnson in. Oh, yeah she has on number 23 today."
I find at least a couple of wrong jersey numbers listed every season this way and verifying at the time of sub I save a time consuming problem later when I have to unravel a potential illegal sub that is really just a legal line up card correction. Done at the time of the sub it is easy, later you may have to have a discussion with the "offended" coach.