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Old Thu Oct 08, 2009, 08:57am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by LDUB View Post
So that is why they were made that way. And you are sure that every person who has one of those flags bought it because of that specific reason.

What if I told you that I worked with an official in a youth game wearing white shorts using a flag with a black ball? Obviously he is not using that flag so that it blends in with his shorts. Maybe he likes that the black flag does not show dirt on the ball portion as easily as a white or yellow one. Maybe black is his favorite color. There seem to be a lot of reasons why people could want a black or white flag. You can assume that each one of them bought the flag so that they won't be seen reaching for the yellow and I will assume that at least 1 of those flags were sold for a different reason.

And if reaching for your flag is such a big deal why don't you just not reach for it unless you are going to call a foul?
First mistake is you are talking about a youth game in the context of this discussion.

Secondly, the point I was making was this was the reason the product was produced a certain way. Not only is that what I know, but what I was told by the people that sold them directly to me when I purchased my black flags back in August of this year.

And I did not say it was a big deal for everyone, just giving the reason why something was made. But there have been many incidences that someone judges a call by looking at the officials. This is one reason I have been always told to wear it in my belt in the front and not in a back pocket or behind your back. And I can think of several instances where an official reached for a flag and the fact they did not call a foul made SportsCenter or simply was a big topic during a broadcast. The Maryland-Northern Illinois game is one of the biggest situations that came to mind several years ago.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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