Tue Oct 06, 2009, 01:58pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Dallas, TX
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Originally Posted by Fritz
I treat it more like the football justification of a catch....did the player make a "basketball" move before the throw (stopping, turning or some other type of move before releasing the ball)? If yes, BC violation. If the throw/bat/toss was all in one motion as he is headed out of bounds, then I don't have a violation.
Totally disagree. A player can establish control without making a "basketball move", whatever that is. Bob's description makes much more sense:
Originally Posted by bob jenkins
Based on your wording ("saves and throws"), I'd have TC and a BC violation (I would also grant a TO request made while A2 was holding the ball).
If you change the scenario to "A2 bats the ball to the BC", then I have no TC and no violation.