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Old Wed Dec 11, 2002, 11:14am
DownTownTonyBrown DownTownTonyBrown is offline
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Unhappy What a psychotic mess.

If the league rules say fans are not supposed to be in that area, then the game management (not the officials) should rope it off before the game. Preventive officiating if you will - but my God what a stupid rule. AND he had on a white shirt!!!! and a bicycle with two pedals no doubt.

The umpire should never have gotten sucked into this. The ding-a-ling parent announcer does not call the shots any more than any other fan. The umpire decides what rules are going to be enforced and this was a poor decision to let the parent announcer decide now is the time to enforce this line of sight rule. I'm sure the kids and all the adoring fans were thrilled during this half an hour, or more, of outfield arguing and the arrest scene. Glorious entertainment.

Official's decisions are not meant to be debated. Period. That's why coaches and players get ejected. A good official recognizes that it is incumbent upon them to make decisions about the right things; don't make decisions that will be debated by arrogant drunks or obstinate fans. Stay inside the fence.

Just an idea:
The announcer is not that terrribly important (parents know who their kids are). As the umpire you have more authority than anyone else; send the announcer out to resolve the problem. When he comes back and says he can't resolve the problem, tell him to call the police. By that time the game will probably be over - problem solved.

Finally, in any argument/debate, if at all possible, never make ultimatums. You will have to live up to them - and that will change the whole scope of why you are present. Now you can't officiate because you must follow through on your ultimatum before you can return to officiating.

Only my opinions and some similar experiences....
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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