Originally Posted by RogersUmp
Would you guys consider motioning with the hand below the knee the same as drawing in the dirt with your bat?
I was getting ready to toss a kid for doing it but his 3rd base coach came running, screaming at me before I had a chance so I tossed the coach.
There is actually a funny story about just that involving Johnny Bench. I forget who the two umps supposedly were, but Bench was catching and the P was asking where the called balls were, and Bench wasn't saying anything - like he should. After the half inning, the 1B ump comes in and tells the PU that Bench was using his hands to tell the P if he thought the pitches the PU was calling were either wrong high or wrong low. So Bench comes up and the first pitch to him almost bounces in the dirt and PU calls it a strike - loudly, so Bench asks where it was and the PU just holds his hand about waist high....