Originally Posted by yankeesfan
play situation:
3rd down and long, team A in shotgun formation. quarterback gets snap and punts, the ball hits his team in the back just across the neutral zone and bounces back to the quarterback who runs with it. they only made it back to the line of scrimmmage on the play. since the ball hit his own player do we have "first touching"? also, once the quarteback recovered the ball should we have blown it dead?
It is not first touching.
The touching of a low scrimmage kick by any player is ignored if the touching is in or behind the expanded neutral zone. The neutral zone shall not be expanded into the end zone.
The ball is not dead when the QB recovers it. He can advance it.
Any K player may catch or recover a scrimmage kick while it is in or behind the neutral zone and advance, unless it is during a try.
Since the kick came on 3rd down, it's A's ball, 4th down.
6.2.3 SITUATION B: With third and 10 on K's 10-yard line, K1's punt is blocked and recovered on K's 4-yard line: (a) simultaneously by K2 and R1, or (b) by K2 who advances to K's 15. RULING: In (a), the ball is dead immediately and is awarded to R because of the joint recovery. In (b), since K may recover in or behind the neutral zone and advance, it is fourth and 5 for K from its own 15-yard line. The series for K did not end because the kick was blocked. (4-2-2e)