NFHS: At one time, just a few years ago, the wording in the rulebook actually said it was a technical foul. The rule use to say that a player couldn't reach across the throwin plane and touch the ball. The penalty was a T for reaching through the throwin plane and touching the ball....with no other qualification. It also said those restrictions ended when the ball crossed the throwin plane.
A few years ago, an "editorial clarification" was made to add that it had to be in the hands of the thrower for the T.
The problem with that is the the offensive team is not permitted to reach across the line to catch the pass (or even touch the ball)...they must wait for it to cross the line. Yet, the defense can reach across the line and touch the ball. Really seems inconsistent to allow one team to make a play in a space where the other team is prohibited.
NCAA: The defense is not permitted to reach through the line until the ball crosses the line....penalty...1st offense is a violation and delay-of-game. Repeated violations are a T.