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Old Thu Sep 24, 2009, 10:06am
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Originally Posted by okla21fan View Post
I would dis agree with that statement, simply based on the 'running lane' alone and running between home and first in this case. I understand this is not the case when running between other bases (where the runner 'creates' their own baseline unless a tag play is being made on them)
Actually, it is a "basepath", not a baseline. The 3' lane only offers protection against being called for INT with the defender attempting to field a throw at 1B. There is no rule that states the runner MUST run within the 3' land the last half of the distance to 1B.

Since the ASA rule book has been so 'vanilla-ized' over the past few years, and one key element of interference has been removed (in this case intent). I am not sure about your interpretation here either.
You are going to have to trust me, there are not many people in ASA that has discussed the "intent" factor as it pertains to INT than I have. "Intent" is neither a factor in your scenario or applicable rule.

my question is , if a batter/runner is 'OUT' when struck by a thrown ball OUTSIDE the running lane, why would this play not be applicable to this rule?
Because you said it wasn't. The 3' lane (2.3.A), nor applicable rule (8.2.E) are not in effect until it actually begins which is halfway to 1B from the plate.

If the runner had reached the running lane and is struck with a thrown ball over fair territory, we have an out.
Only if it affected the defender's ability to receive the throw AT 1B and the throw wasn't coming from foul territory.

This maybe more of a rule book clarification, but reading the book and interpreting the black and white as the book reads today. It appears that an out should be called. (whether I agree with that or not)
Well, you are going to lose that protest.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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