Sun Sep 20, 2009, 03:17pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,118
Originally Posted by MrUmpire
You may call me a sniffer, if you'd like, but I enjoy treating the underpaid young men who umpire MiLB to dinner and drinks from time to time. I am fortunate to be in an area in which I can see Single A, Double A and Triple umpires work, grow and succeed.
Anyway, the point of my post: During one of my last outings with a Triple A crew I was told that they may be some major moves in MLB and all levels of MiLB umpiring that would filter down and result in PBUC needing many young new umpires next spring.
For those who have been considering taking the opportunity to see if they have what it takes, this may be the best year to attend proschool for many years to come.
Underpaid? How do you figure? They are paid what the market will bear.