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Old Sun Sep 20, 2009, 11:52am
Kevin Finnerty Kevin Finnerty is offline
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Originally Posted by mbyron View Post
FYI: I looked at the NASO site this morning, and my browser blocked access. Apparently, at least 4 Chinese spammers have hacked the site and loaded it with malware, which can download and install itself on your computer when you merely visit the site.

Also: insurance premiums do not "disappear." They're not an investment, which "pay off" only when you file a claim. They protect you from risk, a concept that many people do not understand (or they would buy more insurance).

And: the insurance premium portion of your NASO membership fee does not pay for your magazine subscription or other benefits of membership, so your premium does not "get something" for you other than liability insurance. Bundling other goods with insurance does not make the insurance more or less valuable.
I'm sorry; you're right. I should not have said all insurance. I should have said, "When you don't make a claim, like most of us never do, your money doesn't just disappear like with auto insurance, health insurance, home insurance, fire insurance and most other insurance."

And if, like you say, "[Insurance] protect[s] you from risk, a concept that many people do not understand (or they would buy more insurance)," why are so many legitimate claims routinely denied? There are some forms of insurance that represent some of the biggest frauds in our society.

And bundling it with something useful and worthwhile like the Marriott discount card doesn't make the insurance more valuable--something I never stated--it makes it worth purchasing, because by using the card, you actually get a return on the original expense, unlike with most insurance.

Last edited by Kevin Finnerty; Sun Sep 20, 2009 at 12:07pm.
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