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Old Tue Sep 15, 2009, 08:53am
Skahtboi Skahtboi is offline
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem View Post
We have hemp shops everywhere, pot laws do not affect hemp that i know of. Theres one less than a mile of here. Hemp stuff in many stores. Pot heads making the "but hemp can make rope so we need our pot" argument must be stoned.
That may be true indeed, as they are everywhere. However, growing hemp in the US still remains illegal at this time, so the raw material or the finished product is having to be imported. This is why there is little being done in the development of the oils...etc. for commercial use. My question is why not make this a domestic crop? Why pay others for what can readily be grown right here?

Vermont and North Dakota, both seeing the money that can be made from the crop, have legalized its growth. However, the federal ban on hemp (not to be confused with the psychotropic marijuana), still exists and prevents hemp farms in the US from being a reality. The federal government does not distinguish between hemp and marijuana, as the plant family are one in the same. However, hemp can be grown without the psychoactive drug, THC. (The most common varieties of the plant have little to no THC in them.)

But, it is prejudices like yours and that of Chess Ref that keep the plant from being used to its potential. You see one thing, assume (we all know what happens when we "assume" something) one thing, and therefore think that it has to be the truth.

My original statement had little to do with THC (a chemical I could care less about either way), which has been clarifed even more so with this post. It has everything to do with economics, common sense, product development, industry, research...etc. for this country. When we fail to see the money we can make, someone else is darn sure going to make it. Study up. Learn a little.

Hemp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Legality Of Growing Hemp And The Lakota Sioux: Standing Silent Nation. | The Good Human

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.

Last edited by Skahtboi; Tue Sep 15, 2009 at 09:41am.
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