Originally Posted by RichMSN
Rulebook officiating lacking common sense.
On complex penalties or when I'm close to the team bench, I ask the coach every time. It's quicker and leaves no room for the kid screwing it up.
Rule #1: Do not let the kid screw up by making the wrong choice.
With all due respect RichMSN you are simply wrong, and what's worse unnecessarily so. Perhaps I overstated somewhat suggesting, "it's fairly common practice to explain penalty options to a captain, within earshot of his coach who may subsequently advise the captain on what decision to make", but those who have mastered that ability are able to accomplish what you are suggesting, without ignoring the clearly stated rule.
It's really not up to either one of us to determine if the player selected as a team captain is smart enough or mature enough to make the decisions his team, and the rules, have entrusted him to do. It's not really hard at all to involve a coach, subtlety, in the decision process to whatever extent deemed necessary, without ignoring the team captain and insulting his intelligence.