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Old Mon Sep 07, 2009, 12:01pm
jwwashburn jwwashburn is offline
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Originally Posted by jicecone View Post
Tim , you are absolutly right about your opinion, and I believe that body art is just as much a distraction as a pony tail but, as you said we are both entitled to those opinions.

The point here is, just as we perceive the ability of an official by their appearance (and it definitely happens), we perceive others by what they say and do.

"Goof, dumb, idiot, moron, critical of every one," well my peception of that person is a someone that feels as though riducule of others is necessary for them to be noticed. Someone looking for attention at the expense of others. Someone that thinks with their mouth rather than their brain when out on the field, A hothead, a cowboy. My perceptions may be totally wrong but, as we agree, I am entitled to them.

Given my choice , I probably rather work with the pony tailed official.

And the fact that he doesn't get the bible reference, just reinforces my perception of him.

Am I being critical of him, yep but, I have a right to my opinion.
I get the Bible reference but it does not apply. I am not talking about sins here. I am not judging his soul or his moral character. He may be the greatest guy you would ever want to meet.

I am talking about my personal opinions about umpire appearance. You have them, also-LOTS of them.

What is your personal opinion of an umpire that shows up 2 minutes before game time with a ratty looking hat, wrinkled pants and dirty shoes? Probably the same as mine.

My guess is that you have a long list of umpire appearance dos and don'ts. Just think about it for a few moments. We all have that list and almost everyone here would agree on most of the list. There is a very large percentage of North American society that agrees with me that Pony Tails look goofy on a guy. There is even a larger percentage of people who think that pony tails look goofy on a man doing a job that carries authority.