Thu Sep 03, 2009, 01:48pm
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
But the examples you gave had nothing to do with rules interpretations, they were all about judgment calls that belong to one umpire or another. I'm not going to huddle or cuddle or whatever else they are calling it these days on a call that I'm positive that I got right, and was my call to start with. A screamer at BU's feet in A....still his call. Line drive to F4 while in the infield, still BU's call. These plays don't get a review in my games. I get the call right and don't allow for 2nd guessing. If they want to argue my call, fine. But I'm not running for help on a judgment call that belonged to me and me only.
Now if I were to totally miss making the call at all, as happened once when I was pretty new to umpiring, then fine, the other ump can step right in there. While working in A on a ball that was a close fair/foul over the base, I froze like a deer in the headlights and my partner saw this and immediately called, "Foul."
I'm not talking about unsure about a call and not making one, or totally spacing out and not making the call. I'm only talking about calls that I actually call that belong to me. Those are not up for discussion.
Depends on how you read the one about the appeal. If the PU was not counting it because he was poaching the timing play, then sure. But if it's because he was treating the touch as a force instead of an appeal, then it's a rules problem.
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Last edited by youngump; Mon Sep 19, 2011 at 07:08pm.