Bob, R2 is guilty of incorrect procedure...see page 134 of the current NCAA Rules starting with the 7th paragraph.
Originally Posted by Bob Jenkins
What would I do if #4 entered for #11 improperly, but didn't serve (but I noticed and neither R did)?
Same procedure: as soon as you notice the illegal sub, notify the R2. If it is while the player is subbing in, it is a Team Delay sanction (TDW if no previous delay during the set, TDP [Red Card] if they have already been assessed a TDW). Make sure you record the info in the Sanctions box.
If you catch it during play, notify the R2 at the conclusion of the rally because the team will be assessed a LOR for having an illegal player on the court. You will record the info in the Comments section. #4 must leave the court and #11 must reenter or #4 may legally sub in for #11.