Originally Posted by luvthegame
This NCAA mechanic was discussed and implemented by a lot of great and experienced umpire minds.
Appeal to experts. Ok. Why have not the great and experienced umpire minds in baseball or ASA implemented it?
Originally Posted by luvthegame
It has been used at this level by alot of excellent umpires to acknowledge that the play was noticed and a judgement has been rendered.....
I can agree with that but the use of the safe signal is not something most fans can see and comprehend its meaning (I speculate that). Heck the fans may not even see it as it is done in super quick fashion. I wonder how many fans see the play and then immediately look at the ump to see if he made the safe call. For that matter, how many coaches look at the ump on this play?
Originally Posted by luvthegame
Alot of great umpires have used this mechanic and found it to be quite effective...and incorporated into their mechanics repertoire.
What is the basis for stating that is effective? Can we say that of 100 calls using this mechanic, only 2 coaches discussed versus of a 100 calls where not used, 72 coaches decided to discuss the play.
I assert that on almost any contact between a runner and f6 where a safe signal is given that one of the coaches is going to come out and ask the ump something. I can even imagine if it is with only a runner on 2nd base, the coach asking U3 to get U1's input.
So for you college guys, what is your experience when using the safe signal? What percentage of the time has it stopped a discussion?