You asked for feedback, so I'll offer my $.02.
It sounds like you let the coach get away with way too much yapping. If he's questioning every call all year, he got away with way too much. Stop that early, and you'll be surprised how the players respond. Maybe not this game, but the next one anyway.
Also, with the player spouting off after the game; calmly walk to the table and have the scorer record a technical foul on said player. He now has two for this game, and most likely, you do not have to request a suspension as it will be automatic (depending on league rules).
Where was the site manager during all this? There is no excuse for them to allow the parents and the coach to berate you like that after a game. This stuff can (and has) turn violent, so you need to just walk away, get in your car, and drive home. And I'd be on the phone with the assigner before I even got out of the parking lot. "Better site management or I'm not coming back."
Sprinkles are for winners.