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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 20, 2009, 08:21am
Ref Ump Welsch
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
Based on your description of your evening I would say you still have a lot to learn about officiating. I'm not talking about the inappropriate behavior and action of the players, coaches, and parents. I'm talking about how you described the evening. Especially the part where you requested that a player get suspended.

You need to get certified and really learn about the art and science of officiating.
I can see where you're coming from, because it shouldn't be our position to make such requests, however, in some leagues (and I did a YMCA league that was like this), the officials are considered employees (have to submit background checks and child abuse registry checks) but are not paid like employees (taxes are not withheld). In such leagues, the director will still expect some kind of enforcement similar to what happened in the OP, that the official may make the request to have someone suspended because of their actions. I actually had a situation where I tossed a parent during the game (yes, I know, we're not supposed to listen to them, but it was very confined quarters and he was inches from me when he berated me) and when the director came over to escort him out, the director asked me if it was just for the day or if he needed to wait a couple weeks. I told her it was up to her, and she then asked how about he doesn't come back next week. I said that's fine, but entirely up to you. Afterwards, she told me to get a backbone and make the decision myself. When I tried to tell her that's not my position to take as an official, she "corrected" me and told me that was the expectation of her officials. That ended up being the last time I worked at that YMCA.
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