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Old Fri Oct 06, 2000, 08:45am
walter walter is offline
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It's not technically a rule but it is addressed in the NCAA rules interpretations and the NFHS case book. NCAA, BI-27, Rule 6, play 3, "Team B is entitled to a throw-in under the alternating possession process. The official, or the scorer, makes an error and the ball is erroneously awarded to Team A for the throw-in. RULING: Once the ball touches or is touched by an inbounds player, this situation cannot be corrected. However, Team B will make the throw-in when the next alternating possession occurs. Team B did not lose its alternating possession throw-in opportunity as a result of the error". In NFHS, casebook play 6.3.1D, "Team B is entitled to a throw-in under the alternating possession procedure. By mistake, Team A is given that throw-in. Can anything be done?" RULING: Not after the ball touches an inbounds player - it is too late to change anything. However, the possession arrow will remain or be pointed towards B's basket so that Team B will be entitled to and have the next alternating possession throw-in. A team should never be given two successive alternating possession throw-ins if the officials are aware of the mistake." The only way anything can be done in these situations is when it involves an alternating possession throw-in. For all other throw-ins, once the throw-in ends, there is nothing that can be done.
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