Wed Aug 19, 2009, 11:54pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Lincoln Co, Missouri
Posts: 823
Originally Posted by dmbfan285
Hello everyone, I am new to the board and have been officiating basketball for 7 years (Im on 24). I have done lots of rec (elementary-semi-pro ball), College scouting camps in the summer, and tournaments.
So tonight I had a crazy game to finish off my night of 3 games. Early in the game I whacked a kid after I called a foul for using profanity regarding my call. The coach hated the initial foul call and technical but he hated every call against him all season (literally, every call).
Later in the game. 20 seconds left, the coach who hated every call yells at me to stop the game there is an issue. Did not do it until we had a dead ball. I went over to him and asked what the problem was. He told me that the other team was playing with 2 #11's and there should be a technical. Now keep in mind that this is a boys and girls club league and they all use the same pinnies (blue and white, no other color) so the pinnies could have been double issued without anyone knowing. We had other teams use two of the same number and we had no issue all season. Tonight was the last night of the regular season and this coach all of a sudden notices with 15 seconds left and he is down by 4. I told him I understood his argument but that needs to be dealt with the league. I am not going to make an assumption on something that could have happened because of the league. If there were more than 2 colors used in the league that is different.
At the end of the game, the player who I whacked earlier, turned and looked at me as I walked to the scorers table and said, "You F*ing Suck." This kid is about 16 and also works for this boys and girls club (great role model, huh). I walked away and went to a league official who was watching and I requested that the kid should be given a 1-game suspension.
I then had 3 parents corner me as I tried to leave the gym and they pulled the whole I am writing a letter about you...blah..blah...blah. Then the coach who lost came over and yelled in my face that his kid cant be suspended because the game was over and I told him its not over until I leave the confines of the court. Then the parents are saying forget about it he was frustrated. Its unbelievable to see parents say that behavior like that is ok because its sports.
These parents said that I am sure that language like that happens in college and its let go. I have been on a D-1 college coaching staff and know that is not the case. I told the mother, my exact words: "Actually the first profanity out of a college players mouth is a technical and the coaches dont deal with that; especially if its directed towards an official." This parent was shocked and was speechless. She went home after that.
Basically I am putting all of this out there to see if anyone has been in this type of situation where you are approached by numerous people after the game as you are trying to leave. Me and my partner ended up waiting a good 10 minutes until the gym cleared and people left the building before we left.
Would love to hear your take on this. "Never stop learning (especially officiating)!"
My take...get certified, work in the real season only (except for camp) and leave the summer bull**** behind ya.