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Old Fri Dec 06, 2002, 12:32pm
APHP APHP is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 107
IAABO'S interpretation of the rule is that you can not reach thru the boundary line plane after the ball is released and touch the ball after it has been released-on the out of bounds side of the throw-in boundry line plane. However, I have several "written" NFHS interpretations that says in NFHS a player can reach thru the line and hit/touch the ball after it has been released by the thrower-even if it has not crossed the boundary lne plane. One place you can find it is in "The Officials Guide: Basketball '99-00--High School & College Rules, Caseplays & Differences". There is a case play that specifically deals with this play. It says that in College it is a violation and in NFHS it is not a violation--to reach thru the boundary line plane and touch/hit the ball after it has been releassd by the thrower. Here in our state it is not a violation. But as someone said, who will know the difference--even officials can't agree on the rulng.
Trust me coach !!!
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