IAABO'S interpretation of the rule is that you can not reach thru the boundary line plane after the ball is released and touch the ball after it has been released-on the out of bounds side of the throw-in boundry line plane. However, I have several "written" NFHS interpretations that says in NFHS a player can reach thru the line and hit/touch the ball after it has been released by the thrower-even if it has not crossed the boundary lne plane. One place you can find it is in "The Officials Guide: Basketball '99-00--High School & College Rules, Caseplays & Differences". There is a case play that specifically deals with this play. It says that in College it is a violation and in NFHS it is not a violation--to reach thru the boundary line plane and touch/hit the ball after it has been releassd by the thrower. Here in our state it is not a violation. But as someone said, who will know the difference--even officials can't agree on the rulng.
Trust me coach !!!